We don't allow ads that contain:
Text in the title or description that is not related to the item or service advertised.
Pictures that contain text or watermarks (except logos and product codes)
Pictures that are not relevant to the advertised item or service.
Pictures that do not clearly show the advertised item or service
Multiple items in the same ad. Each item must be posted separately.
A Non-specific item
A Prohibited item
Same content as another ad republished within 7 days.
Adverts that have been placed in the wrong category.
An unrealistic offer
Abusive or Offensive language
Links to sites that are not related to the advertised item service.
An item or service that is illegal.
Prohibited Items
This is a non-exhaustive list of prohibited items:
Stolen property
Military and Police Service items
Human organs or parts
Illegal or pirated items
Lock picking devices
Pornography or sexually-oriented material and services
Products, goods, and services that have not been registered with the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) or any relevant authority in the respective jurisdiction.
Any other items prohibited by law for sale.